Body Contouring After Weight Loss

Living a healthy lifestyle is something that everyone should strive for. This helps maintain optimal health and weight for long and confident life. Those that have created a fitness regimen and have thus lost a significant amount of weight can sometimes experience excess skin that inhibits their ability to live a confident lifestyle. This skin won’t be fixed by itself no matter how much you exercise. Sometimes you need some extra help to reduce the amount of excess fat and skin after weight loss.

Ways We Can Help

The elasticity of skin changes with time and age. When you lose a significant amount of weight, your skin’s elasticity may not be able to conform to your new body, leaving you with unshapely breasts, stomach, arms, and thighs. Even your face can be missing some elasticity. Dr. Dodde can help you sculpt your body to conform to your new beauty. Some of the ways this can be done are:

  • Face and neck lift: Excess fat can remain on the face even after the rest of the body has slimmed down. This can make you look bigger than you are. With a facelift and/or neck lift, we can remove this excess skin and fat to slim your face and jawline.
  • Arm lift: With this procedure, we can help remove that excess skin that hangs down from your upper arm as well as tightens the muscles underneath to create a sculpted look.
  • Tummy Tuck: If you still have excess skin and fat on your abdomen and no exercise is getting rid of it, then this procedure can help. The tummy tuck removes that excess skin and fat while also strengthening the weakened muscles in your abdomen, leaving you with a firmer and leaner stomach.
  • Breast Lift: Your breasts are affected with any significant fluctuation of fat on the body. After losing a lot of weight, your breasts can also lose volume, resulting in an asymmetrical and unshapely appearance. By undergoing this procedure, Dr. Dodde can correct your breasts by lifting them back to their natural position, while making them seem full.

All these procedures have one goal: to make you feel more confident. If you have any questions, call our office about any of the above procedures.


If you have undergone a significant weight loss, are at a stable weight, and continuing a healthy lifestyle, then body contouring in Grand Rapids and Holland could be beneficial for you. Based on the problem area’s there are different procedures that can help. Dr. Dodde wants you to be your most confident and beautiful self, let him finish the art that you started!