What is a Tummy Tuck?

You are not alone in your struggle with fat deposits and excess skin in the abdominal area. These deposits in certain areas of the body are stubborn and do not easily give in to your diet and exercise efforts. Rather than let this affect your appearance and consequently self-image, you have the option to choose a beneficial cosmetic procedure like the tummy tuck. Also known as abdominoplasty, this is a procedure which eliminates this excess skin and fat. Additionally, after massive weight loss or pregnancy can also leave you with lax abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck in Grand Rapids tightens these muscles so that you can achieve a toned midsection.

Are you a good candidate for tummy tuck?

You are a good candidate for the procedure if you are suffering from extra skin and fat in some body areas. You can also opt for a tummy tuck if you have sagging skin and loose abdominal muscles. These changes can be seen usually after pregnancy and childbirth or massive weight loss and bariatric surgery.

What is the tummy tuck procedure like in Grand Rapids?

Your tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. Once the surgeon has removed the excess skin, your abdominal muscles will be tightened if required. Another procedure called liposuction may be used to remove the excess fat from the hips, flanks and abdominal walls. If you have too much excess skin, the tummy tuck procedure is extended where two incisions are used, one is vertical and the other is horizontal and this gives you a “T” shaped incision.

You should choose your tummy tuck surgeon after careful consideration since a well-experienced surgeon uses the latest techniques and offers you optimal results. A good surgeon also ensures that your post-operative experience is comfortable in different ways. During the procedure, a tumescent fluid with epinephrine may be used that numbs the area and also constricts your blood vessels, thereby reducing blood loss. Pain medication like Exparel may also be injected into the abdomen to ensure there is minimal discomfort post your surgery since this will last for about 3 days.

Different kinds of tummy tuck in Grand Rapids & Holland, MI

Other than the extended tummy tuck which is usually opted for candidates who have significantly large amounts of excess skin; you can also get the traditional tummy tuck or the mini tummy tuck. The traditional tummy tuck is recommended for those patients who have either lost a lot of weight or have weak abdominal muscles and excessive skin. In this case, usually, the belly button is also repositioned.

For patients who have small amounts of fat and skin for elimination can benefit from a mini tummy tuck. It offers optimal results to those who are near their ideal weight and only have a “pouch” in their midsection. A smaller incision is used in this case resulting in a smaller scar, faster recovery, and stunning results. The belly button does not require relocation either.

Once you consult a tummy tuck surgeon, he will evaluate your body and understand your goals to determine the best tummy tuck technique. Depending on the amount of excess skin and fat to be removed, your recovery time will be different. Your tummy tuck results will usually show within a week’s time and as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to retain your slimmer and toned appearance