What’s the Difference Between a Neck Lift and a Facelift?

Signs of aging often show on the face first, with a loss of volume causing sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines. With a surgical procedure, sagging tissue can be lifted for a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance! The facelift and neck lift are both surgical procedures targeting the face and neck areas, but deciding between the two can be confusing. Here’s what the two procedures actually treat and how you can decide which one is best for you:

What Can a Facelift Treat?

A facelift is a popular procedure targeting the midface. If you experience a loss of volume in the midface with hollowed cheeks, folds around the mouth, and wrinkles, you’ll probably talk with your surgeon about the facelift procedure. During the procedure, incisions are made within the hairline and the tissue is lifted to a youthful position, redefining the cheek bones.

What Can a Neck Lift Treat?

A neck lift refers to the tightening of the neck and jowls to eliminate the appearance of a double chin and soften the appearance of visible neck bands. The procedure can also redefine the jawline, similar to a lower facelift, which is where some of the confusion comes from! Incisions for this procedure are made within the hairline of behind the ear.

Deciding Which Procedure is Best for You

The procedure that’s best for you will depend on where your concerns are. If you experience sagging and wrinkles in the mid-lower face, a facelift can be very beneficial. But if your signs of aging are at or below the chin, you might choose a neck lift instead. Of course, there is a third option: Combining the neck lift and facelift. Sign of aging often occur in the face and neck area at the same time, so your surgeon might recommend a combination of procedures for full facial rejuvenation!

Dr. Dodde can meet with you and discuss your concerns to determine which procedure is right for you. To schedule your consultation, contact our office today!