Facial implants can enhance the underlying structure of a face and improve proportion and balance. Although facial implants can help to correct nearly any part of the face, the most common areas where they are used are the chin, jaw, or cheek.

Why get facial implants?
Facial implants can help even out a small chin, weak jaw, or a lack of facial contour. The use of facial implants changes depending on where they are on the face.
Some facial implants can increase the size and projections of a weak chin. They can also increase the width of the lower third of your face to offset a weak jaw. Cheek implants can increase the projection of cheekbones and add volume to flat areas of the face.
What happens during a facial implant procedure?
Facial implant procedures are performed similarly, no matter where the implant is being inserted. First, surgical markings are drawn on the face to help the surgeon place the implant perfectly. General or local anesthesia is administered, and then small incisions are made near the treatment area. A pocket is then made in the facial tissue and the implant is inserted. Sutures close the incisions and bandages or tape are applied.
Facial Implant Results and Recovery
It’s normal for patients to experience bruising or swelling after their procedure. These can be alleviated with cold compresses. Be sure to sleep at a 45-degree angle for at least one week to help reduce swelling.
Most patients can return to normal activities within a week. After 4-6 weeks, it is normally okay to begin rigorous exercising again.
Who makes a good facial implant procedure candidate?
You may be a good facial implants candidate if you have the following traits:
- You are in reasonably good health
- You have realistic expectations for the outcome of your surgery
- You do not smoke
- You have a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for the improvement of your facial features
- You have a weak or receding chin
- You have a weak jawline
- You want to enhance the contour and proportion of your facial structures