What Makes Liposuction So Effective?

Did you know a healthy diet and exercise aren’t always enough to eliminate fat? Stubborn fat cells are given their name because they can be impossible to get rid of with diet and exercise alone! So, if diet and exercise have failed to give you results, you might try liposuction. Find out what makes this treatment so popular and effective.

Option for Local Anesthesia

When you have liposuction alone, you can choose to have treatment under local anesthesia. Although liposuction involves tiny incisions to insert the cannula tube and remove fat, it is not as invasive as many other plastic surgery procedures that might require general anesthesia. Local anesthesia only affects the area being treated, making the process completely comfortable without altering your consciousness. This reduces the amount of bleeding and bruising during the procedure, making a speedier recovery for more effective results.

Treat Multiple Areas at Once

Liposuction can be used in many different areas of the body including the thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen and waist, back, upper arms, chin, and neck. If you have multiple areas of concern, liposuction can be used to target these areas in one sitting. Liposuction can also be used to optimize the results of another procedure. Procedures that liposuction is commonly used with include a tummy tuck, breast reduction, and facelift.

Advantages over Non-Invasives

If your stubborn fat is mild or only covers a small area, you might benefit from a noninvasive body sculpting procedure like CoolScultping. However, if your stubborn fat is moderate to severe or covers a large portion of your body, liposuction will give you the dramatic results you’re looking for. Unlike a noninvasive procedure, liposuction only requires one treatment session for lasting results.

To learn more about what makes liposuction so effective or to schedule your consultation with Dr. Dodde, contact our office today!